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Informativa Privacy Open Day
Letta e compresa l’informativa privacy ex art. 13 del Regolamento, acconsento/non acconsento al trattamento dei miei dati personali da parte di Rainbow Academy per l’invio di comunicazioni promozionali e di marketing, incluso l’invio di newsletter e ricerche di mercato, attraverso strumenti automatizzati (sms e email)



Se ti prenoterai ad uno dei prossimi Open Day di Rainbow Academy, riceverai il codice sconto del 15%, che ti permetterà di accedere ai master scontati con i seguenti prezzi:

The Open Day will be held at 2:30 p.m. and you can attend either onsite or online. Don't miss this unique opportunity to discover our courses and meet our experts! If you cannot attend the Open Day on one of the dates we have chosen, book a call with our staff directly from the button at the bottom left.


If something is unclear, try our answers to candidates' frequently asked questions

Dopo aver seguito l’Open Day, potrai richiedere i documenti di iscrizione alla nostra amministrazione e lì potrai inserire il tuo codice sconto nella richiesta per mail

Gli Open Day di Rainbow Academy sono incontri di orientamento in cui potrai conoscere da vicino la realtà formativa e professionale della nostra Accademia e il nostro staff.

Rainbow Academy holds one every week, selecting your course of interest in the tab will allow you to choose from the available dates month by month.

The duration is 2 hours. The event is structured and organized in such a way as to include an initial reception phase, a presentation of the training offerings, an overview of the company structure, presentation of the venue, equipment and in detail all the training offerings, costs and registration procedures.

Beginning at 2:30 p.m., you can come to the Academy or come into Zoom, for those attending online, 15 minutes earlier.

The orientation interview is essential in order to guide you best toward an informed choice in the Masters and Courses we offer. It is not binding on enrollment, but it is important to make you clearer ideas about your possible future in Computer Graphics.

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