
Game Programming

Master Game Programming is the complete path to Video Game production with the two main engines on the market: Unity and Unreal

The Master of Game Programming is a career path in Game Programming for those who want to turn their passion for Videogames into a concrete job opportunity. This course addresses the two main Engines currently on the market, namely Unity and Unreal. In this educational path addressed for those who want to become Video Game Developers, students will acquire the theoretical knowledge and technical skills suitable for the creation of a video game on Unity and one on Unreal, starting completely from scratch, from the basics of programming.

The Game Programming course aims to create well-rounded professionals who are able to work in the world of Game Programming

For those who want to, Rainbow Academy gives the opportunity to take either the Unity module or the Unreal module individually

By participating in this Master's program, you will obtain:

  • Rainbow Academy Certificate of Attendance
  • Unreal Engine Certification

To learn more, attend the next Open Day

Game Programming

Course Objectives and Competencies

Production workflow management
Personal portfolio production
Production of two video games

Professional opportunities

Videogame Programmer
Videogame Tester

Instrumentation needed

A PC must also be owned at home for attendance.
Minimum PC requirements: Microsoft® Windows® 10 -- Processor: Intel Core i7 12th Gen or AMD Ryzen equivalent
Ram at least 32GB -- Minimum Video Card: Nvidia RTX 3060/4060 or higher
MAC use is not recommended
For Online attendance: stable internet connection, headset with microphone, dual monitors and webcam


High school diploma
Excellent command of the use of PC.
Excellent aptitude for computer subjects


  • Unity
  • Unreal
Departure Course start October 20, 2025 ・ Places available
Duration 10 months - 500 hours
Frequency Monday - Wednesday - Friday ・ h: 14:00 - 18:00
Didactics Onsite / Online
Cost 6,900 (including statutory charges)
Unity Single Module Cost: €3,900 || Unreal Single Module Cost: €3,900

Choose the payment method you prefer: lump sum or installment. Learn more about how to apply for financing

Courses that are short in duration and cost less than €1,000 do not require funding.
Open days are not required for Zbrush and After Effects courses, just request information on the contact page about that course and request registration documents.

Enrollment procedure

1. Attend the Open Day

The first step is to attend the OPEN DAY. Reserve your spot

2. Support the interview

Afterwards, you will be able to take the one-on-one interview with those in charge of the Academy's Orientation Department.

3. Confirm your enrollment

You will be able to request enrollment documents from our secretary's office.

4. Choose the payment method

Choose the payment method you prefer: lump sum or installment. Learn more about how to apply for financing

Courses of short duration and costing less than €1,000 do not provide funding.

Educational Program

Fundamentals of programming [Unity]

We start with Unity, an introduction to C# and the basics of classes, methods and variables, and then delve into object management, the script lifecycle and using Git for versioning.

Characters and Interactions [Unity].

You create a playable character complete with animations, state machine, progression (level-up) and skills, managing interaction with the environment via collider and motion controls.

Basic Game Systems [Unity]

User interfaces (menus, HUD, inventory), systems for saving and loading game state are made, and automated events are introduced to make the experience dynamic.

Combat and Artificial Intelligence [Unity].

Hand-to-hand and ranged combat mechanics are developed, audio and feedback to the player are managed, and intelligent NPCs that track, attack, defend, or flee are implemented using NavMesh and advanced AI.

Advanced interactions and optimization [Unity].

NPC dialogue systems, quests with goals and rewards, game economies are built, and code is optimized through culling, pooling, and profiling, thereby improving performance and stability.

Networking and finalization on [Unity]

You integrate multiplayer features, online leaderboards and remote server saves, and then complete the project with building on various platforms and an in-depth testing and debugging phase.

Programming Fundamentals [Unreal]

Creating a design, managing lighting and shading, set dressing to shape the game environment.

Blueprints and C++ [Unreal].

Visual approach with Blueprints, communication between Blueprints and C++, basics of C++ in Unreal and differences from abstract languages.

Development Cycle [Unreal]

Code management with compilation, debugging, source control, and structuring C++ projects with macros, proprietary types, and Actor.

Gameplay Programming [Unreal] :

Input management, character movements, game mechanics (inventory, interactive objects), and feeling of responsiveness during action.

Data Systems, Dialogue, AI, and Advanced Features [Unreal].

Save management, dynamic dialogues, basic AI (NavMesh, AI Controller, Behaviour Trees), advanced UMG interfaces, magic systems, skills, damage, and early multiplayer functions.

Finalization of the video game [Unreal]

Final design compilation, optimization, extensive testing, bug fixing, gameplay refinement, and preparation for title distribution.