The Master of 2D Animation is a comprehensive course in 2D Animation with Toon Boom's in-house software Storyboard Pro and Harmony. There is also the option of attending either the Storyboard module or the Harmony module individually.
The goal of the 2D Animation course is to bring characters and stories to life, using 2D digital animation. Starting with the construction of the Storyboard, all production and realization stages up to the animatic will be performed. Image storytelling, framing, language and conventions will be addressed. Image composition and sequential storytelling will be studied. Finally, different styles and genres will be analyzed.
In the Harmony module, we start with the basics of animation and then move on to productively address the entire cycle that leads to the creation of a 2D animation.
By participating in this Master's program, you will obtain:
- Rainbow Academy Certificate of Attendance
To learn more, attend the next Open Day