Category: Articles Courses

We tell the stories of the Rainbow Academy campus.

3d digital production

From Modeling to 3D Printing: the "Crow's Jaws" Mask

For the column Let's Get to Know the Students of Rainbow Academy, we interview Carlo Bernardini, Character Artist author of the "Jaws of Crow" mask. The dark-fantasy mask was conceived, modeled and then made with 3D printing by Carlo, who personally managed all phases of the project. Upon completion of the 3D Digital Production master's degree, Carlo had.

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3d digital production

THE WAY OF SUCCESS: Interview with Paolo Pallucchi

For the column THE WAY OF SUCCESS we meet Paolo Pallucchi, Game Artist. Hello! Before starting Rainbow Academy I was working with my father at a regional TV station in Lazio (Super3) as a technical assistant. It wasn't really my field, I was getting by but I didn't feel any stimulation in what I was doing.

Read more from THE WAY OF SUCCESS: Interview with Paolo Pallucchi